
At Ryan & Company Solicitors, we aim to tailor the service we provide to meet the needs of our clients. We have a strong involvement with the local community in Loughrea and the greater Galway region and have taken part in the Free Legal Advice Centre (FLAC) service for many years.

Often people find legal matters and Irish Law daunting and confusing. Our focus on responsiveness and approachability is what drives our practice and we take pride in providing practical advice and service to our clients to secure the best results on their behalf in an objective and cost efficient manner. We appreciate the importance of keeping our clients informed on the progress of their case or file and therefore place an emphasis on being contactable via email and direct dial phone lines. In addition to this we provide a call out service to our clients when feasible at no extra charge as we understand that certain matters can be easier to deal with in the comfort of your own home. So come in and see us to discuss your legal needs today. We provide an initial consultation if necessary where we explain exactly what is involved in your case and answer your legal questions to provide you with the correct information necessary to go forward.


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